Before the Expedition arrived at present day Pasco-Kennewick-
Richland, Washington, they were navigating through turbulent waters and rapids.
Clark noted in his journal on
October 13, 1805
"we should make more portages if the season was not so far advanced and time precious
with us"
William Clark October 15, 1805:
" bad dificuelt and dangerous rapid to pass, at the upper part
of this rapid we over took the three Indians (probably the Palouse Indians), who had
polited us thro the rapids from the forks"

<<Above the Dam you will find an American Indian Petroglyph
which serves as a memorial to local tribes.
Petroglyphs are carved images on rock
Pictographs are painted images on rock

Ice Harbor Lock & Dam Visitor Center
At the confluence of the Snake and Lake Sacajawea
Highway 12 - Pasco, Washington